Expanding Your Esthetics Business Online, A Guide for Estheticians New to E-Commerce

Sep 22, 2024 ( Posted By: Juliette Samuel )


Estheticians, e-commerce? If you’re an esthetician looking to take your business online, you’re not alone. Many of you in the beauty industry have dreamed of expanding our services or products into the digital space, only to be overwhelmed by the maze of e-commerce, marketing, and social media strategies. I’ve been there—navigating murky waters with no real guidance. It can be confusing, intimidating, and frustrating.

But here’s the truth: it’s doable, and with the right approach, you can thrive.

When I first launched my product line, I thought having a website and learning as I went along was enough. What I didn’t anticipate were the ruthless challenges, from poor pricing strategies to not knowing how to market my products effectively. I didn’t even like social media because I didn’t understand how to use it for business. My approach was reactive, and that slowed my growth.

However, if you’re reading this, you’re already ahead of where I was, because you’re seeking guidance. In this article, I want to share key tips and strategies to help you not only survive but succeed in selling your beauty products online.

A Guid For Estheticians New to E-Commerce

Step 1: Shift Your Mindset—You Are More Than an Esthetician, You’re an Entrepreneur

The first hurdle many estheticians face when expanding their business online is the mental shift from being a service provider to an entrepreneur. Yes, you are skilled in your craft and have deep knowledge of skin, beauty treatments, and wellness. But now, you’re also a business owner, marketer, and possibly a product developer.

Let’s take a look at this word …  Entrepreneur.  Who is this person and how does it apply to you? In short, an entrepreneur is a risk taker and problem solver.  You’re constantly solving problems for your clients when they come in for services.  You’re also risking your reputation as you provide services because you have do so without causing harm to their skin.

Now you want to step into the shoes of business owner in the digital space.  Your thinking and how you do things will definitely change.

This shift in mindset is critical because it requires you to think strategically about your business. Start asking yourself entrepreneurial questions:

– Who is my ideal customer, and where do they spend their time online?

-What problems do my products solve for my customers?

-How can I price my products in a way that’s both profitable and fair?

-What does it take to make this happen online?

Once you start thinking like an entrepreneur, everything else begins to fall into place. You’ll approach challenges with solutions in mind and build resilience against setbacks.

Step 2: Develop Your Brand Story

Your brand isn’t just about the products you sell, it’s the story behind why you created them. Why did you to become an esthetician? What skin or beauty concerns are you passionate about addressing? What makes your product line unique?

Developing a brand story creates an emotional connection with your customers. People want to know the “why” behind your business, not just the “what.” Sharing your journey as an esthetician who understands the unique needs of your clients helps build trust and loyalty. Knowing that you have products to help with these challenges enhances that trust.

Step 3: Get Your Pricing Right—It’s More Than Just Numbers

Pricing is one of the biggest challenges for you as estheticians launching products online. Many of you make the mistake of underpricing your products, thinking you’ll attract more customers. But underpricing devalues your work and can harm your business in the long run.

Here are some tips for smart pricing:

  1. Understand Your Costs: Calculate the cost of ingredients, packaging, and shipping. Don’t forget to account for your time, effort, and overhead costs like website maintenance or marketing.
  2. Research Competitors: Look at how similar products are priced in the market. While you don’t have to match their prices, this gives you a benchmark.
  3. Add Value: If your products use high-quality ingredients or offer specialized benefits (like organic or cruelty-free), don’t be afraid to charge accordingly. People will pay for value.
  4. Consider Profit Margins: Aim for a pricing structure that gives you a healthy profit margin. Don’t just break even—your business needs to grow.

Step 4: Build an Online Presence Without Feeling Overwhelmed

When I started, social media felt like a chaotic space. People were talking about what they had for a given meal or their children, this was not my interest.  I didn’t know how to navigate it for business. If you’ve felt the same, know that you don’t need to do everything at once.

Here’s a streamlined approach:

  1. Choose Your Platforms Wisely: You don’t have to be everywhere. Focus on one or two platforms where your ideal clients are most active. For estheticians, Instagram and Facebook are popular because they allow for visual storytelling and client engagement.  You might also find that Pinterest can work for you.
  2. Create Consistent, Valuable Content: Share tips, behind-the-scenes content, and product demos. People love authenticity, so don’t be afraid to show the human side of your business. Educational posts about skin care, product usage, and skin types can position you as an expert in your niche.
  3. Schedule Your Posts: Instead of feeling the pressure to post daily, create content in batches and use scheduling tools like Buffer or Later. This saves time and reduces stress.  If you’re using WordPress as your blog, you can also set your post up to go live over time.
  4. Engage With Your Audience: Social media isn’t just about broadcasting, it’s about building relationships. Respond to comments and messages, and engage with your followers’ content. The more authentic your interactions, the more your online community will grow.

Step 5: Build a User-Friendly Website

Your website is the foundation of your online business. It’s where potential clients will learn more about your products and services, so it’s essential to get it right.

Here are some key elements to include:

  1. Clear Branding: Your website should reflect your brand’s identity. Use consistent colors, fonts, and messaging throughout your site.
  2. Product Pages with Detailed Descriptions: Make it easy for customers to understand what they’re buying. Include high-quality photos and detailed product descriptions that highlight the benefits, ingredients, and usage instructions.
  3. Easy Navigation: Make sure your website is easy to navigate, with clear categories, product filters, and a search bar to help visitors find what they’re looking for quickly.
  4. Secure Checkout: Invest in a secure, reliable payment system that instills confidence in your customers. Options like Shopify, Squarespace, or WooCommerce are great for beginners and offer seamless integrations.
  5. Mobile Optimization: Many shoppers browse and buy from their phones. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, with fast loading times and responsive design.

Step 6: Leverage Email Marketing for Long-Term Success

While social media is great for visibility, email marketing is one of the most effective tools for converting leads into customers. With email, you have direct access to your audience without relying on ever-changing social media algorithms.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Create a Lead Magnet: Offer a freebie, like a skin care guide or discount, in exchange for visitors’ email addresses. This encourages people to join your email list.
  2. Send Regular Newsletters: Once you’ve built your email list, send out regular newsletters with skin care tips, new product launches, and special promotions.
  3. Automate Where Possible: Use tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to automate your email campaigns. For example, create a welcome sequence for new subscribers or set up abandoned cart reminders.

Step 7: Network and Collaborate

Finally, don’t forget to leverage your community. Collaborate with other estheticians, influencers, or beauty professionals to expand your reach. You can exchange guest blog posts, host joint giveaways, or create bundles of products to sell together. Networking opens up opportunities that you may not have considered.

Summing Things Up … Success Takes Time and Strategy

Moving your esthetics business online can feel overwhelming, but with the right mindset, tools, and strategies, it’s completely achievable. Don’t rush the process.  Take time to plan your pricing, build your brand story, and create a strong online presence. It’s also okay to not love every aspect of the online world, like social media.  However, understanding how to leverage it for your business will set you apart from your competitors.

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. You will face challenges, just as I did, but those challenges will teach you valuable lessons and help you grow as both an esthetician and an entrepreneur. Keep pushing forward, stay authentic, and never stop learning.

That’s it for this week.  As always …

Dedicated to Your Success,

Juliette Samuel,


Beauty Business Blueprint