Does Size Matter? Quality vs. Quantity in Email List Building

Oct 04, 2024 ( Posted By: Juliette Samuel )

Email list building?  You’ve likely heard that “the bigger the email list, the better.” But is that really true? When it comes to building a successful email list for your beauty business, quality is more important than quantity. Let’s explore why the size of your email list doesn’t matter as much as you might think.  In addition to that, what should you focus on instead?

Does Size Matter When Building Your Email List?

1. Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Having a large email list may look impressive.  However,  if the majority of your subscribers aren’t engaged, it won’t do much for your business. A big list full of people  is just vanity metrics.  Therefore, you want people to open your emails and who care about your products. What’s more important is how engaged your subscribers are.

Think about it this way: Would you rather have 10,000 subscribers who never open your emails?   Or  better yet, a 1,000 subscribers who open every email and are excited to hear from you? The latter group will bring you more sales and more loyal customers.

2. Engagement Over Numbers

The real value of your email list lies in engagement. How often do people open your emails, click on links, and interact with your content? These are the people who are most likely to buy from you and become repeat customers.

To improve engagement, focus on:

– Sending personalized, relevant content

– Segmenting your list so subscribers receive emails tailored to their interests

– Regularly cleaning your list by removing inactive subscribers

By focusing on engagement, you’ll create a community of loyal followers who are truly interested in your brand.  They will more than likely convert into paying customers.

3. How to Attract the Right Subscribers

While it’s tempting to aim for a large list, your goal should be to attract the right subscribers.  These are people who are genuinely interested in your products and what you have to offer.

To do this:

– Be clear about what your audience will get from signing up for your list.

– Promote your lead magnet in places where your ideal customers spend time (beauty forums, social media, your website).

– Use targeted opt-in forms to capture subscribers who are interested in specific products or content.

By focusing on attracting the right people, you’ll naturally build a list of subscribers who are more likely to be engaged and excited about your brand.

4. Nurturing Relationships for Long-Term Success

Once you’ve attracted the right people to your list, your next goal is to nurture those relationships. As mentioned in the previous articles, providing consistent value is key to keeping your subscribers engaged and turning them into loyal customers.

Some ways to nurture your list include:

– Sending personalized recommendations based on their past purchases or interests

– Offering exclusive discounts or early access to new products

– Sharing behind-the-scenes content or your personal story to build a deeper connection

Remember, building a relationship with your list takes time, but it’s worth it. Subscribers who feel connected to you and your brand are more likely to make repeat purchases and refer others to your business.

5. Measuring Success

To understand whether your email list strategy is working, pay attention to key metrics like:

– Open rates

– Click-through rates

– Conversion rates (how many people are making purchases from your emails)

These metrics will tell you how engaged your subscribers are and whether you’re on the right track. If you notice a dip in engagement, don’t be afraid to experiment with your content or segmentation to improve results.

Summing Things Up …

In the world of email marketing, size isn’t everything. A smaller, highly engaged list will always outperform a large, disengaged one. Focus on building a quality list of subscribers who are genuinely interested in your products, and nurture that list with valuable, relevant content. Over time, you’ll see the positive impact it has on your beauty business’s growth and success.

That’s it for this week.  As always …

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,


Beauty Business Blueprint